New Product FAQ: TLS® Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia
Market America, to answer your top three most FAQ on TLS® Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia. Read on to learn more about this amazing new product!

Because Svetol® helps, with its chlorogenic acid content, the liver slows down how quickly it converts the carbohydrates that we eat into fat. As a result, there is less fat to be stored in the body. When the body looks for energy to keep muscle fed, because you move and exercise, Garcinia Cambogia can assist your body with Svetol by using fat already stored for energy.
2) What are the contraindications for TLS® Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia?
There are no contraindications for TLS Green Coffee plus Garcinia Cambogia. As with any new supplement, if you are taking prescription medication for a condition, consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any weight loss program.
3) How long should I take TLS Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia to see weight loss results?
You results will vary depending on your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Those that follow a low-glycemic impact program, like TLS® Weight Loss Solution, combined with Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia may notice nearly 6% more weight loss and a 4% greater lean muscle mass to fat mass ratio increase (more muscle means better fat utilization and thermogenesis). This can occur in as little as eight weeks.
4) How will I know if TLS Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia is working?
Many people report more energy and less food cravings. Most notably, people that take TLS Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia, report their clothes, rings, wrist watches fitting less snug in a short period of time.
5) Is TLS Green Coffee Plus Garcinia Cambogia gluten-free?
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